Block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood we are getting Ogden back to the basics by cultivating a vibrant community, focusing on creating meaningful human connections, and building good character in our city.




Putting community back at the center of government with increased transparency, accessible communication, and consistent accountability.

  • I will prioritize public safety policies that promote community engagement, address underlying causes of crime, and build trust between law enforcement and residents.

    Let’s get back to the basics by:

    • Exploring innovative and effective strategies to ensure that accurate and rapid information regarding public safety is communicated to all residents by leveraging the latest technologies and communication platforms. Additionally, streamlining crisis coordination between city departments and external partners for rapid response.

    • Creating comprehensive school safety plans that involve all partners, including students, parents, teachers, and community members, addressing issues such as emergency preparedness, crisis response, and the prevention of bullying, harassment, and violence.

    • Implementing solutions to prevent pedestrian and auto accidents to make the streets walkable including adding more midblock crosswalks, doubling down on overhead street lighting, increasing compensation for crosswalk employees, and planting trees and greenery to increase the urban canopy.

    • Prioritizing community policing through building strong relationships between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve to foster trust, improve communication, and help prevent crime.

  • At any age and any stage, everyone deserves a quality, safe, and affordable place to call home.

    Let’s get back to the basics by:

    • Increasing access to quality housing options across a broad spectrum that is attainable for all income levels through increased investments from the city's Redevelopment Agency in affordable housing developments, zoning changes that promote private investments, and grants to homeowners to increase neighborhood vibrancy and livability.

    • Encouraging homeownership and wealth building by expanding accessibility to incentives for first-time homebuyers, such as down payment assistance programs and additional support for public servants who call Ogden home, such as educators, firefighters, police officers, postal workers, and Ogden City Employees.

    • Supporting affordable rental housing by providing tax incentives for landlords who rent to low-income tenants, creating a rental assistance program, and increasing funding for affordable housing developments.

    • Addressing the root causes of housing affordability such as income inequality and lack of economic opportunity. This can be done by promoting human-centered economic development, increasing access to education and job training programs, and working to retain and expand existing businesses, as well as attracting new businesses to Ogden.

  • As your mayor, I will bring the community into every decision made at every level.

    Let’s get back to the basics by:

    • Establishing a participatory budgeting process that ensures Ogden residents have a voice in how their tax dollars are spent will be a top priority. Under this process, residents will have the opportunity to suggest projects and programs that they believe should be funded by the city. These suggestions will be collected and compiled into a list of proposed projects, which will be presented to the community for review and discussion. Residents will then be invited to rank projects they believe should be funded. We will hold public meetings in different neighborhoods throughout the city, and provide information in multiple languages.

    • Increasing government transparency by making government documents, budgets, and meetings more accessible to residents. I will create a user-friendly website with easy-to-find information and an opt-in system to disseminate regular information vital to residents.

    • Increasing accessibility to city facilities, especially City Hall, by literally and figuratively unlocking and opening the doors.

    • Using social media to connect with residents and provide regular updates on city government activities. We will continue to live stream city council meetings, post video recaps discussing important issues, and directly and consistently respond to residents' questions and concerns on social media platforms.

    • Providing multilingual services ensuring that all residents, regardless of their language, can access government services and information. This will include providing translation services, creating multilingual documents, and hiring and increasing compensation for bilingual staff.


  • We are all part of the same community, and our administration is committed to taking care of our neighbors by promoting compassion and inclusivity in all aspects of city governance

    Let’s get back to the basics by:

    • Addressing homelessness in our city by providing shelter, resources, and services to our unsheltered neighbors; promoting affordable housing solutions that meet the needs of our most vulnerable residents.

    • Increasing access to mental health care services for all residents, from our school-age young people to our unsheltered residents, and partnering with community organizations to promote mental wellness and resilience.

    • Supporting nonprofits by increasing funding, promoting partnerships, and providing resources that help them continue to serve our communities more effectively.

    • Broadening the social support system in our city by prioritizing investments in education, healthcare, affordable housing, and other essential services that strengthen our communities and promote equitable opportunities for all residents.

  • We are connected to not only each other but to the environment around us - built and natural. As a city, it is our responsibility to build and sustain connections.

    Let’s get back to the basics by:

    • Reducing air pollution in Ogden by promoting alternative modes of active transportation, such as biking and walking, and investing in clean energy.

    • Protecting and improving water quality in Ogden by enforcing existing regulations, promoting sustainable land use practices, and investing in our aging and inefficient water infrastructure.

    • Expanding, maintaining, and ensuring future access to Ogden's network of trails, including hiking, biking, and walking trails. This includes improving trail infrastructure and working with neighboring communities to create regional trail connections.

    • Increasing access to parks and green spaces throughout the city, particularly in underserved neighborhoods. This includes investing in new park development and upgrading existing parks and recreational facilities ensuring that all residents have access to safe and inviting green spaces.

    • Adding park benches to our city parks to create spaces to come together and create connections.

  • Let’s get back to the basics by:

    • Prioritizing the expansion of our city’s fiber optic infrastructure to ensure that every resident and business has access to high-speed internet, which is critical for economic development, education, and civic engagement.

    • Working with public and private partners to increase competition and reduce costs for broadband services, particularly in underserved neighborhoods, and explore innovative approaches such as community broadband networks and public-private partnerships.

    • Investing in digital literacy training and resources to ensure that all residents are able to fully participate in the digital economy and benefit from the opportunities and resources that high-speed internet and technology provide.

Connection is at the heart of every thriving city both literally and figuratively.


Ogden has a bright past, present, and future. Together we can preserve and expand the character of our city.

  • Our communities' businesses are the reason we are able to thrive, create jobs, and contribute to our city's economic vitality.

    Let’s get back to the basics by:

    • Providing grants to small businesses in Ogden to improve their operations, products, and services to our community, with a focus on supporting those owned by underrepresented groups, such as women and minorities.

    • Creating business incubators throughout the city to provide small businesses with affordable office space, access to resources, and networking opportunities.

    • Streamlining the permitting process for small businesses to make it easier for them to start and grow their operations.

    • Providing workforce development programs that help small businesses access the skilled workers they need to succeed.

    • Promoting small businesses in Ogden through targeted marketing campaigns and by partnering with local media outlets.

  • I will prioritize sustainable growth and development that balances economic opportunity, environmental responsibility, and community well-being, ensuring that our city remains a great place to live, work, and raise a family for generations to come.

    Let’s get back to the basics by:

    • Fostering community engagement and participation in the planning and development process through forums, meetings with partners, and participatory budgeting in order to ensure residents have a voice in shaping the future of neighborhoods and the city.

    • Implementing Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) to promote dense, mixed-use development around transit hubs, reducing reliance on cars and increasing accessibility and affordability.

    • Adopting inclusionary zoning to require developers to include a certain percentage of quality affordable housing units in new residential developments.

  • How our city invests in infrastructure that is accessible to our residents and visitors speaks volumes. I will ensure that Ogden City’s sidewalks, roads, parks, recreation and community centers, and business districts are the best in the region.

    Let’s get back to the basics by:

    • Investing in road and sidewalk improvements to ensure that our streets are safe for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers. Including repairing potholes, repaving roads, and creating more bike lanes and sidewalks.

    • Implementing smart technology to improve the efficiency of our city's infrastructure, such as smart traffic lights and sensors to detect leaks in our water system.

    • Prioritizing investments in our water and sewer systems, ensuring that they are reliable, efficient, and able to support the needs of our growing community.